– Glucomannan: is a natural fibre that absorbs water to form a bulky fibre in the gut to ease digestive issues. It slows down the emptying of contents in the stomach, which creates feelings of satiety for longer. In other words, you won’t feel hungry as quickly as you otherwise might.
– Beet Root Extract: offers some anecdotal evidence that may have weight loss effects. Its primary function is to give your body plenty of nitrates converted into nitric oxide. This widens blood vessels and improves circulation, allowing blood to flow more freely. This also may improve exercise performance, potentially helping you burn more calories.
– Sulforaphane (Broccoli Root Powder): reduces obesity by improving leptin action. Leptin is a hormone your body fat releases to maintain a healthy weight on a long-term basis. It can do this by regulating your hunger and the sensation of feeling full. In one study, sulforaphane increased weight loss by 14% compared to a placebo. Sulforaphane also has cognitive, immune, and digestive benefits as well.
– Cissus Quadrangularis: is a plant extract commonly used to promote bone health and reduce joint pain in adult. However, it also appears to relieve metabolic syndrome, which causes weight gain, high blood pressure, and much more. In an eight-week study, Cissus could “significantly decrease body weight and belly fat,” regardless of diet a meta analysis of nine studies came to a similar conclusion.
– Pine Pollen Extract: appears to help support weight loss by inhibiting the storage of new fat cells. It also contains essential vitamins to maintain healthy thyroid function, which regulates metabolic function. It can also support lean muscle growth, which helps burn more calories each day than fat.
– Acetyl L-Carnitine: is a particular form of carnitine that is especially useful to help your body burn fat. Carnitine is directly needed to metabolize fat, and if you are low on it, fat can’t get into the mitochondria, and you can’t use it for fuel. Other studies have found that carnitine can block fat cell expansion by activating the body’s natural molecular liposuction process.